Tuesday, November 04, 2014


A series of events in and around tell me there is something not right!

I still can’t get my hands on it, and keep floating away midst everything remotely flirty

The internet is a weird space, but so is the real life canvas!

Honestly I am scared, for real, for reasons that might not be true, but just that they exist.

The seven year itch which I thought was over, the new itch shows similar colours! Worse being its not even understood and I don’t know what to say or how to talk about it.

And just when I was cursing myself for getting into situations where life is sucked out, the close to unbelievable happened! She is most awesome real life normal person I know, how can this happen to her? How can it even dawn on her forget she having to see this day!

So whether you are in it, given any form or status they all suck, or taste bitter;

If that’s the case why are so hung up on it? Why is it something that we crave for? And why does it all become a certain way after a phase?

Right when I was trying to get through this the Indian Judiciary gives their verdict – Forcing Sex on a woman who’s going through menopause is not Rape!

Is it just me or we are losing it – together as a species?