I love new york
Just like the t-shirt says
The streets the shops the subways
The unimaginable meld of people in constant motion
Expressions colours opulence style
Grungeandgarbage glassandsteel
Old brownstones
Parks museums fire escapes
Wailing sirens stern faced cops
Warm greetings in elevators smiles and nods
Greasyfoul smelling restaurant basements
Brightlights brighteyes
Miniskirts and motorised skateboards
Office hour energy on the 4 train
Twilightzones on the latenight shift
Greysuits and blackdresses
Drunks on sidewalks
Open forthright resilient
Ambitions and aspirations sprawled in the sun
In centralpark
Streetcorner jazz packed pubs lonely alleys
Black net stockings and lipstick gashes
Uncanny weather forecasts
Yong lust groping in the shadows
Fifthavenuefashion and fuckfoul language
Spanking new sneakers on the way to timessquare
Hi! Howyadoin….getoffmyface you m….f…..
I just love it all.
An evening spent demystifying not so good photography but perfect packaging in Seagull Resource Centre while the weather was perfect for anything and everything.
Us, the 'small fry' s in the photography world constructively criticized the photographs at our heartiest content.
But definitely one could not miss the sleek presentation. We mused over the blurbs,the very first one is the one with which the post starts.
For me the shots were absolutely random,often raising the questions of limits to intrusions into privacy. Maybe it comes from the social side that limits my perspective with certain kind of photography but the feeling of the collection not having a story meant a difference.
It was elitist which is not something that an ad photographer can really help.
The photographer goes on to say how the black humour of NY made him fall for it instantly. He is an instant sucker for black humour! While on the other hand he goes on to say that its the excitement of NY that led to such shots where the concept of frames and composition ceased to exist. And it was his homage to the city.(And not to mention my love for Mumbai was at the peak all over again :) )
The fact that he acknowledged the shots were too random but since there is a need for 'artspeak' and every artist must have a statement,was NY below the belt, born!
And thats called presentation, the perfect blend of words and look.....kudos to the strategy of marketing-obvious cliches, as random emotions and love for the city.
Who says theres nothing around? Theres an element to learn from everything...always!
The photographer is Pradeep Dasgupta.
While I go and check the rest of his work to get an understanding of the man's work,
if interested you could also check pradeep dasgupta's work.
The image is courtesy Dear Sidd!
1 comment:
whoa... those words abt nyc cud hav come frm my key board... had i just been a bit more inclined towards written expression of snetiments... u set foot on nyc and are swept away by d hyper-rushed obsession abt making sense of life - life within concretes and green paper bills... and what made me fall in luv wid d city is d mode of subversion of high industrial life tht for years has been been practiced in d very same city by crowds of afro-americans and european refugees... jazz... new school... seems to be the two embodiments of tht subversive survival strategies... people wil sit/sleep/fuck/raise family on d footpaths... wil sell t shirts saying "bush, suck my dick"... thr will b subway stations wid dripping water pipes... families sleeping... and some dude will enter d subway train spinning on his rollerskate... roads on newark reminds me of muh small town tucked in a corner of west bengal... gannys sitting in frnt of houses weaving sweaters... wall street wasp-s travelling with a measured distance from fullovfukinattitude young black groups, dancing arnd a booming audio player on d streets... and d august rain... twinkled up by street lights and makin muh glasses watery... life... wid all its glorious contradictions... dancing it out... on d streets... i luv nyc...
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