Presidency days brings back old memories,very colorful ones. The first step to understand ideologies, academicia and jargons….Socialism, Democratic left, New left. The frown to Capitalists and the isms attached to that and ofcourse the carefree life filled wit flavoured smoke an the transparent and semi transparent liquid made me feel that revolution was just around the corner and all one needs is Passion.
Met Sutirtho, an old friend from College, with whom I was not really friends. All I knew of him was a nice guy whose smile had a lot of warmth. Life has changed for both of us….I mean for all of us rather. He had been in Dehradun and dedicated himself to wildlife research. And therefore life has opened another new vista, has brought him to other crossroad called inane Reality.
By the sea it was some strange connection, our hearts in the field, midst people and the several life experiences, as if we sensed it all about one another’s profession.
And yes as rightly tirtho said when dearest friends complain about changing priorities, a relook to old monk in a new space is a refreshing delight.
Long live Red….and the Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Grey……
14th Dec 2006,Mumbai
1 comment:
It was a dark, Bombay beach, almost touching the basement of high rises peeping into the sea. Yet, some street urchins, their faces glowing around a flickering bonfire, seemed a road and some hundred years away from the smoky bedrooms, lit up in red, blue and green... Removing this veil, was thought about since college days or even before.
That night, we crossed the veil, into the darkness, where sandpipers were pecking for food, at the thin strip of sand, exposed by receding waves. Inspite of sensing the damage lurking around their space, they couldnt desolate it out of unknown fidelities... like many of us, till explorations revealed new causeways.
But a juncture of causeways, as weird as this!..old monks (as Abhishikta terms it) who rarely communicated in college, met outside that space (the only commonality in their lives), discussed lives, sensed an eerie connectivity, as if communication could proceed without language, felt pleasant and left!
Looking forward towards another refreshing croosroad...
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