Would you still love me if insanity takes over me?
Would you still believe in me if I walked thru my convictions like I was a beggar?
Would you want to look into my eyes if I defied vision?
Would you recognize me if I disappeared in the mist of nothing?
If I walked through reality as if I was invisible…
If I turned neon into grey
Would you still love me if the naïve was dead and I was naked?
Would you still want to catch hold of me if I would float, and leave no trace behind?
Would you still recognize me if I am not black, white or grey?
Would you remember me if I was would never ever say
If I lost my voice, or my mind and my soul was only alive
Would you ever embrace me if my wings want to take a lusty flight?
If I spiraled through my hole into a fools paradise
If I crumbled under the red light on the high-rise
Would you still want to walk with me in the rains if the sky does not promise moonlight?
Would you still believe I can create if my negatives are bleached by the shimmer of the sky?
I am getting ready for the big funeral,
If I drill a tunnel in my heart, would you collect pieces of my mind?
Would you love me for all the incoherence and infinite pain I have caused
Would you take me to my grave if the blood freezes before time?
life wud if not nyone...
I had been waiting for the answer and you of everyone cant get away saying tht life wud.....life dsnt embrace when blood freezes.....who does???
life, the someone, the kind ur talkin about is always embraced...disect each of the emotions, u mentioned and u wud find an example around,still very contented with life...u may have gota lot and more than u asked for but then u must have had ur share of pleasure aswell...
ur blood might freeze yet soul wudnt rst and surely theres a lot more suffering pain and disaster left in this world to c,but the pleasure of makin ones own mistakes and not blindly borrowing experience superceeds any sorrow...
who doesnt???
And taths called making it sound so close to all senses....guess wud agree to life,for then disappointments remain stuck in 'the moment whn it happened' whereas new inventions are everywhere,making the quest worth every step!
inventions being human creation vs. discoveries of gods creation r and will be always b the well appreciated by self and whoever matters...alice will always b exposed to a universe, the world cant c or comprehend...
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