U suddenly find in a chilly night in a Mumbai pub one guy sipping on to wine…all to himself, absorbing moments with random thoughts crossing his head…he shared a special secret with another stranger. It was strange and special how just he made sense midst all the newness around. And before making way for me to vanish in the lonely streets of the cosmopolitan city he jus put a word of concern that was touching. Time passed by and met the stranger midst all the madness that life could offer. Often meeting a stranger is liberating, the anonymity is too dear to let go. And then there were sparks, of life, of randomness and eccentricity. In the wilderness of the staring truth of my country he made the best of luxury. And when I returned to begin from no man’s land meeting the different yet the known him was a pleasure! I probably was done with exploring the various interesting men in life…..no on second thoughts the random-ness in the grounded persona made it so attractive….have walked a considerable way….don’t know till when will I do that but ya it is a very unique experience of being around this quirk feeling of being loved….for being cared for who u are and who u want to be!
May 29th 2006
02:45 hrs.
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